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スレッドタイトル: Crashing randomly
引用ページ: https://bbs.minisforum.com/threads/crashing-randomly.2742/page-13

N: There is a HW problem with all early U790 that causes to reboot. Minisforum created a new revision of the mainboard but isnt telling anyone. Fight for your rights and ask for a replacement!
N: new vs old (photos)
C: Nice findings nozarashi. I supose the first picture is the new units and the second is the old
New units id began with "F7BSC...." and older with "F7DSC....".
The strange thing is the lettering order.
We was aware it could be something like that and you find it.
Important : This should be posted in that thread : https://bbs.minisforum.com/threads/identification-of-bad-batches-um790.2827/
Side note : Don't know if it's me but I can't enlarge the first image (suposed to be the new ID). And where you find this ident sticker in the unit?
N: this sticker is at the SODIMM slots
N: both of the stickers are F7BSC just the added -A to the SKU5 is the difference. Also the layout of the sticker is totally different.
I dont know about the F7D... even the BIOS files are for F7B so, never saw one.

参考までに、私の手元に届いた最初の 1 台 (完全不具合マシン) の中をウキウキ撮影した写真があったので載せておきます。
パカッと開けて他なにも触れていない初号機、ここから闇が始まったw (2023/7/2)

7/2 撮影、動作不良炸裂、返品交換、本体天板のロゴは黒(金属っぽいシール)

SKU5 というところを見ると new ?
2023.10.25 追記:
上記スレッドでのその後の書き込みを見ていると SKU5-A というのが new のようですね(たぶんですが)

Have been running the new rev SKU5-A for almost 4 days now and seems to be stable. Mine is a barebone and running with crucial 32gb sticks.
Im running in performance mode, bios 1.07 and latest AMD drivers. No reboots so far. (have been running 4 days non-stop)
via: https://bbs.minisforum.com/threads/crashing-randomly.2742/page-13#post-33050 


それでは、UM790 Pro と共によい日曜日を(笑)

2023.10.24 追記:

メモリスロットに貼ってあるステッカーをチラ見してみました。 私のは SKU5 ですね。 天板のロゴは白い塗装です。 …