
2023.9.24 追記 (これは UM790 Pro に関してです)
2023.9.28 追記 (これも UM790 Pro に関してです)


。。。(2023.9.24 追記:元ネタは削除されたようです)

Interesting post on the 7940 chip
byu/bigbear2007 inMiniPCs

出所 (引用元のスレッド) はこちら。

BAD experiencie with Beelink GTR7 and support.
byu/NoInspector9276 inBeelinkOfficial



It's not really a design problem, because other mini pc brands with 7940/7840HS chips also may have the same issues. After AMD updating the official driver, the problems are not completely solved, so we update the motherboard with an additional soldered-board, hence these issues are truly solved.

Now the GTR7/GTR7 Pro stocks are all with upgraded motherboard, and anyone who have the original issues, we are pleasant to replace a new unit for them.

MINISFORUM UM790 Pro はどうなのかしら。

2023.9.24 追記

合わせて、MINISFORUM の公式フォーラムにはこのような書き込みもあるのです。

This is what I wrote to the support email:
My UM790 Pro is unstable since day 1 (got it end of July with bios 1.01) and bios 1.05 and 1.07 did not fix the random reboot issue.
Under low load and totally unpredictable the system reboots with no info in the windows event manager.
The only solution so far is throttling down the memory to 4000MT which is far below specs.
One 2TB SSD and 64GB memory installed, only one screen is connected to HDMI.
Any advice on what I can set in bios to stabilize the system and it runs at the advertised speed?
I loaded optimized defaults after update to 1.07, this leads to plenty of random crashes (especially doing nothing but playing youtube and then pausing the video).
This is the response I got:
Dear customer, hello.
In your situation, we will replace the machine for you. Would you accept it?
The replacement is the new UM790Pro produced in the later stage.
This situation may not be able to be changed through Bios. We suggest not using 64GB of memory. If 64GB of memory is needed, we suggest replacing it with Kingston brand memory.
Miniforum support Thank you for your support.
So it seems like us with early production samples are having bad luck?
via: » https://bbs.minisforum.com/threads/crashing-randomly.2742/post-25726

BIOS では変えられない」って書いてありますよね。なんソレ?
PC 本体に「初期型」と「アップデート版」があるっていうことなんでしょうか。

UM790 Pro、本体天板のロゴがグレーの筐体と白い筐体の2タイプがあるのですが、ネット上では「あなたのロゴは何色?」みたいなやりとりがちらほら見かけられます。


2023.9.28 追記

Minis UM790 Pro Findings.
byu/ieronymous inMiniPCs

スレッドの最初の内容 (Minis UM790 Pro Findings.) は、個人的には「そうですか」で終わりましたが、それに続くコメントのなかにこういったものが

Its another member's saying on their official forum.
---Ok guys and thank you for your replies.
I had a discussion with "StoneDog66" and other members. I'll resume you that discussion and also my findings found on others forums :
Mini Forum had a bad batch of UM790 Pro. This batch were sold mainly 2nd half of july 2023. Themselves got the info of this bad batch at the end of july.
The main problem is related to the power supply circuitry on the motherboard. So it can not be solved by a single BIOS upgrade.
They know that many of you who received their unit during this period has/had these crash problems.
So the best is to return these faulty units under warranty and receive another one (hope it's not from the same bad batch). For the ones who bought the unit from Amazon, It's easy : just ask for a return or change under warranty. For the ones who bought the unit from Minis Forum, please call (or write) to the MF support to return (or change) the unit (some people said MF pay the return). For the others, try to see with your reseller.
There's also an other problem too with the WiFi and BT but it's not related to the main problem : The UM790 metallic shell act as a signal blocker for the WiFi and BT. Mini Forum knows that and propose for free a "quality WiFi USB dongle" (shell re-design or any corrective action should be done by them).
I know it's not the joy. But I hope it helps.---
via: https://www.reddit.com/r/MiniPCs/comments/16thmyw/minis_um790_pro_findings/k2f0sad/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


They know that many of you who received their unit during this period has/had these crash problems.

via Google翻訳:

不具合満載マシンが届いたら「返品 新品交換」の一択ですかね。
