
Suunto Spartan Collection – adventure multisport GPS watches 
Suunto Spartan Collection – adventure multisport GPS watches 

あとは取り急ぎ。。。DC Rainmaker さんをご覧ください

Suunto rolls out refreshed Movescount site, announces new Spartan Ultra GPS watch | DC Rainmaker 
Suunto rolls out refreshed Movescount site, announces new Spartan Ultra GPS watch | DC Rainmaker 

Suunto も負けてはいないぞ、と。



With the Spartan Ultra, the physical form factor changes. The satellite bump remains gone, and we got a color touchscreen with three dedicated buttons (down from 5 buttons). The retention of buttons is important for multisport athletes, especially in swimming activities where pressure on touch screens underwater makes them unusable.
via: Suunto rolls out refreshed Movescount site, announces new Spartan Ultra GPS watch | DC Rainmaker 

Suunto doesn’t plan to release further information until July 6th, 2016, as part of a “phased launch”. Then they’ll begin shipping the watch sometime in August, at which point they’ll give us further yet details about the watch and future update plans.
via: Suunto rolls out refreshed Movescount site, announces new Spartan Ultra GPS watch | DC Rainmaker 


掲載元のサイトが PDF ファイルを削除したようなのでココに載せた画像もいちおう削除しました。

以上、Suunto Spartan Ultra – Manual…well a user guide / quickstart guide at least | the5krunner  の PDF ファイルより


Suunto Spartan ULTRA Collection – *MORE INFO* Info From The Marketing – As close to a review as you are going to get for a while ! | the5krunner 

これは新発売ってことですか? 2016.6.7 追記: 。。。新発売ってことです http://www.photoclip.net/blog/20…