


help needed: W124 Cabrio top wont open

» help needed: W124 Cabrio top wont open

特に #13 は最初にチェックするべき項目ではないでしょうか。

Remember there are 5 fuses that affect top operation. All must be good for things to work properly. They are:

Label —– Location———— Value

A ——— Main Box ———- 15 Amp
None —– Convertible Block — 15 Amp
None —– Convertible Block — 30 Amp
6 ——— Main Box ———— 8 Amp
5 ——— Main Box ———— 8 Amp
None —– Aux fuse holder —— 8 Amp (this is the rollbar deployment solenoid first and may not be required for top operation)

If those are all good, try this. With the top header latches closed, disconnect the battery for a minute or two (be sure you have your radio code). Reconnect the battery and try the top again after un-latching them. This is to reset the controllers (top, roll bar, and convenience relay).

Convertible Block というのは、バッテリーがあるエリアです (右前輪アッパーマウントのすぐそば)
Convertible Block

top header latches というのは、ルームランプの両サイドにある幌の開閉時に操作する 2 本のレバーです

